Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Business App IT Lab - Session 10

Assignment 1

Create 3 vectors, x, y, z and choose any random values for them, ensuring they are of equal length, bind them together.Create 3 dimensional plots of the same.


First creating a random data set of 50 items with mean =30 and standard deviation =10

> data <- rnorm(50,mean=30,sd=10)
> data

Taking sample data of length 10 from the created data set in three different vectors x,y,z
> x <- sample(data,10)
> x

> y <- sample(data,10)
> y

> z <- sample(data,10)
> z

Binding the three vectors x,y,z into a vector T using cbind
> T <- cbind(x,y,z)
> T

Plotting 3d graph 


> plot3d(T[,1:3])

Plotting of graph with labels for axes and color

> plot3d(T[,1:3], xlab="X Axis" , ylab="Y Axis" , zlab="Z Axis", col=rainbow(500))

Plotting of graph with labels for axes, color and type = spheres

> plot3d(T[,1:3], xlab="X Axis" , ylab="Y Axis" , zlab="Z Axis", col=rainbow(5000), type='s')

Plotting of graph with labels for axes, color and type = points


> plot3d(T[,1:3], xlab="X Axis" , ylab="Y Axis" , zlab="Z Axis", col=rainbow(5000), type='p')

Plotting of graph with labels for axes, color and type = lines


> plot3d(T[,1:3], xlab="X Axis" , ylab="Y Axis" , zlab="Z Axis", col=rainbow(5000), type='l')

Assignment 2

Choose 2 random variables 
Create 3 plots: 
1. X-Y 
2. X-Y|Z (introducing a variable z and cbind it to z and y with 5 diff categories)
3. Color code and draw the graph 
4. Smooth and best fit line for the curve


Creating a data set for two random variables and then introducing third variable z


> x <- rnorm(5000, mean= 20 , sd=10)
> y <- rnorm(5000, mean= 10, sd=10)
> z1 <- sample(letters, 5)
> z2 <- sample(z1, 5000, replace=TRUE)
> z <- as.factor(z2)
> z

Creating Quick Plots




For semi-transparent plot

> qplot(x,z, alpha=I(2/10))

For coloured plot

> qplot(x,y, color=z)

For Logarithmic coloured plot

> qplot(log(x),log(y), color=z)

Best Fit and Smooth curve using "geom"


> qplot(x,y,geom=c("path","smooth"))

> qplot(x,y,geom=c("point","smooth"))

> qplot(x,y,geom=c("boxplot","jitter"))

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